Welcome to the enthralling world of Scandinavian mythology, a realm where gods thunder across the skies, giants roam the earth, and dwarfs craft wonders from the shadows. Here, legendary heroes embark on epic quests that echo through the rugged landscapes of Denmark, Sweden, and Norway. As the fierce Vikings set sail to settle Iceland, they carried with them these captivating tales, weaving a rich tapestry of myth that would stretch across the seas.
Through conquests, daring raids, and expansive trade networks, the Norse myths spread far and wide, casting their spell over the whole of Europe. These stories mingled and merged with local legends, leaving a profound impact on Germanic and Anglo-Saxon mythology. This section delves deep into the heart of these ancient narratives, exploring the powerful deities, mystical creatures, and heroic exploits that continue to fascinate and inspire generations.

Join us on a journey into the mythical past, where magic and legend breathe life into the sagas of Scandinavia.
Gods and goddesses (Aesir and Vanir)
- Baldr – The god of summer, sunlight, and spring; son of Odin.
- Borr – Father of Odin, Vili, and Ve. He is a primordial figure in Norse cosmology
- Bragi – The minstrel god, son of Odin.
- Búri – The first god in Norse mythology, grandfather of Odin
- Dagr – God of the daytime, son of Delling and Nótt
- Dellingr – God of the dawn, father of Dagur
- Eir – Goddess of healing
- Ēostre – Goddess associated with spring and fertility
- Freyja – Goddess of fertility and sexuality; daughter of Njörd.
- Freyr – God of fertility; son of Njörd.
- Frigg – Wife of Odin, goddess of the household and magic.
- Heimdall – The god that protected the Bifröst and Asgard.
- Hel – Ruler of Helheim, the Norse underworld, where she oversees the dead who do not die in battle
- Hnoss – Daughter of Freyja and Óðr, known for her incredible beauty
- Hoenir – Brother of Mimir.
- Hödr – Blind brother of Baldr.
- Idunn – Goddess of apples and youth.
- Kvasir – The mediator god that was created by Aesir and Vanir.
- Loki – The trickster god, blood-brother to Odin.
- Nanna – Goddess of the moon, wife of Baldr.
- Njörd – The god of the sea, fishery, and wealth.
- Odin – The chief god of the Aesir gods.
- Sif – Goddess of fertility, wife to Thor.
- Sjöfn – Goddess associated with love, aiming to bring people together in marriage
- Snotra – Goddess of wisdom and prudence
- Skadi – Goddess of skiing and mountains.
- Sol – Goddess of the sun, who drives the chariot of the sun across the sky
- Syn – Goddess associated with watchfulness and truth.
- Thor – The god of thunder, strength, and holy rituals.
- Tyr – The god of war.
- Ullr – God of winter, skiing, hunting, and dueling, known for his beauty and skill as a warrior
- Váli – An avenger god, son of Odin.
- Vár – Goddess of contracts and agreements, particularly those of marriages
- Vé – One of the three creator gods, brother of Odin and Vili, involved in the creation of the world
- Vidar – An avenger god, son of Odin.
- Vili – One of the younger brothers of Odin
- Vör – Goddess associated with wisdom and awareness
Giants and Giantesses
- Aegir – sea giant known for his mastery over the oceans and for hosting elaborate parties
- Angrboda – giantess and the mother of three of Loki’s children
- Bestla – giantess, mother of Odin, Vili, and Vé.
- Gefjon – giantess, plougher of Sjælland
- Gerðr – beautiful giantess who becomes the wife of Freyr after he courts her.
- Gridr – giantess, lover of Odin
- Gunnlöd – giantess, lover of Odin
- Gymir – giant often associated with the sea, and the father of Gerðr
- Hardgrep – giantess, foster sister of Hadding
- Hrungnir – giant known for his incredible strength and for challenging Thor.
- Hymir – giant known for his fishing expedition with Thor
- Jörd – Giantess, lover of Odin.
- Mimir – the wisest giant of all
- Narfi – giant often associated with the night
- Skrymir – a friendly giant that leads the gods to Útgard
- Surtr – king of fire giants
- Suttung – giant that stole the Mead of poetry
- Thiassi – giant that stole the apples of youth
- Thrym – A giant who steals Thor’s hammer, Mjölnir.
- Útgard-Loki – the giant King of Útgard
- Ymir – the primordial giant from whom all giants originate
- Vafthrudnir – wise giant who engages in a contest of knowledge with Odin.
- Wagnhofde – giant, father of Hardgrep and foster father of Hadding
Scandinavian heroes and other mortals
- Alfhild – Mentioned in the saga of Hrolf Kraki, known for her beauty and skill in battle
- Aslaug – reputed to be a seeress with the ability to foresee the future and was the wife of the legendary Viking Ragnar Lothbrok
- Aud the Deep-Minded – A settler in Iceland, known from various sagas including Laxdæla Saga, for her wisdom and leadership.
- Brynhildr (Brunhild) – A shieldmaiden and a valkyrie, she is a central figure in the Völsunga saga
- Egil Skallagrimsson – A warrior-poet, his life and exploits are detailed in Egil’s Saga.
- Eirik the Red – Known for discovering and settling Greenland, his story is told in Eirik the Red’s Saga
- Fafnir – a legendary dwarf that transformed into a dragon in the Völsunga Saga through his greed.
- Freydís Eiríksdóttir – Known from the Saga of the Greenlanders and Eirik the Red’s Saga.
- Grettir the Strong – His adventures and misfortunes are the subject of Grettir’s Saga.
- Groa – A völva (seeress) who is featured in the Prose Edda. She is known for her attempt to remove a whetstone from Thor’s head using spells and songs,
- Gudrun – Sister of Gunnar, wife of Sigurd, her life marked by tragedy and revenge
- Gunnlaug Serpent-Tongue – A poet and warrior, his love triangle is the subject of Gunnlaug Saga Ormstunga
- Gunnar – king of Burgundy and a central character in the Völsunga Saga and the Nibelungenlied
- Hadding – legendary King of Denmark, his story well-known for its darkness and violence
- Harald Fairhair – credited with the unification of Norway, his saga is recounted in Heimskringla.
- Heiðrek – King with a tragic story, central to Hervarar Saga ok Heiðreks.
- Helgi Hundingsbane – known for avenging his father’s death and his love story with the valkyrie Sigrún.
- Hervor – famous for her quest to reclaim her father’s cursed sword, Tyrfing.
- Ivar the Boneless – One of Ragnar Lothbrok’s sons, known from the Saga of Ragnar Lothbrok
- Lagertha – fierce shieldmaiden, wife of Ragnar Lothbrok
- Leif Erikson – An explorer known from the Saga of the Greenlanders and Eirik the Red’s Saga, credited with discovering Vinland
- Njal – A wise man and central figure in Njal’s Saga, known for its detailed account of a blood feud.
- Ragnar Lothbrok – A legendary Viking hero, his saga is told in the Saga of Ragnar Lothbrok
- Sigmund – Sigurd’s father, known for his strength and bravery, central in the Völsunga Saga.
- Sigurd (Siegfried) – known for slaying Fafnir and winning the treasure of the Nibelungen.
- Skirnir – Freyr’s loyal servant, known from the Poetic Edda for his journey to woo the giantess Gerðr on behalf of Freyr.
- Svipdag – The hero tasked with meeting his fated bride, Menglöð. His journey involves necromancy and overcoming various challenges
- Thialfi – a trusted servant of Thor
- Thornbjǫrg – A Swedish princess mentioned in Hrólfs saga Gautrekssonar
Scandinavian monsters and other special creatures
- Audhumla – the primordial cow
- Draugar – the undead of Norse mythology
- Eikthyrnir – stag that stands atop Valhalla and from whose antlers drip the waters that fill the rivers of the world.
- Fafnir – originally a dwarf who transformed into a dragon due to his greed
- Fenrir – the wolf son of Loki
- Garm – a monstrous hound that guards the gates of Hel, destined to fight during Ragnarok.
- Geri and Freki – The two wolves that accompany Odin
- Goldfaxi – horse that belongs to the giant Hurngnir, known for its incredible speed
- Gullinbursti – boar with golden bristles that shines in the dark
- Heidrun – goat that eats the leaves of Yggdrasil and produces mead for the einherjar
- Hugin and Munin – the raven companions of Odin
- Jörmungandr – the giant snake that surrounds Midgard
- Mara – demon known for causing nightmares and sleep paralysis.
- Nidhogg – malicious dragon that gnaws at the roots of Yggdrasil
- Nøkken – water spirits or entities that lure people to drown.
- Norns – the ladies of Fate
- Ratatoskr – A squirrel that runs up and down the world tree, Yggdrasil
- Skoll and Hati – Wolves who chase the sun and moon, destined to devour them during Ragnarok.
- Sleipnir – the legendary mount of Odin
Important landmarks in Scandinavian mythology
- Alfheim – the realm of the elves
- Asgard – the realm of the Aesir gods
- Ginnungagap – the void from which all life sprung at the beginning of time
- Helheim – the realm of souls that did not die honorably (in battle)
- Jotunheim – the realm of frost giants
- Midgard – the realm of mankind
- Muspelheim – the realm of fire and fire gaints
- Niflheim – the realm of mist and ice
- Svartalfheim – the realm of the dwarfs
- Útgard – mysterious fortress in Jotunheim
- Vanaheim – the realm of the Vanir gods
- Yggdrasil – the cosmic tree of the universe