
In Greek mythology, Pontus was the primordial god of the sea, one of the first beings to come into existence, born from the void of Chaos. He was also known as the “Sea” or “Deep” and was considered the father of the fish and other sea creatures.

The ancient Greeks believed that Pontus represented the unfathomable depths of the sea and the unpredictable nature of the ocean. He was considered a powerful and formidable force, and was often depicted as a large and imposing figure, with a long beard and hair made of seaweed.

According to the myths, Pontus was said to have been the father of several sea monsters, including the giant serpent, Python, which was killed by the god Apollo. He was also the father of the sea-nymphs, who were known for their beauty and grace.

In addition to his role as a god of the sea, Pontus was also associated with the power of generation and was considered the father of many sea creatures. He was also associated with the concept of time, as the sea is often seen as a metaphor for the passage of time.

The cult of Pontus was not widespread in ancient Greece, but he was still considered an important god and was often invoked in prayers and rituals related to the sea, such as during seafaring expeditions.