
Ninhursag is the Mesopotamian mother goddess. She is the wife of Enki, with whom she has conceived both Ninurta and Ninsar (the old fashioned way). In a less traditional way, she brought forth another eight daughters with Enki’s seed (Abu, Dazimua, Enshag, Nazi, Ninkasi, Ninsutu, Ninti, and Nintulla).

Moreover, Ninhursag is also the one who gave birth to the first humans (with a little help from Enki).

Known by many names, including Nintur, Ninmah, and Aruru, she embodies the fertile earth and the life-giving properties that sustain all living beings. As a deity of paramount importance for sure.

Ninhursag’s worship was centered in the cities of Adab and Kish, where she was venerated as the city goddess and the goddess of the stony, rocky ground known as the hursag. . As a member of the Anunnaki, a special class of Mesopotamian gods, Ninhursag held a significant place in the divine hierarchy.

Myths featuring Ninhursag

  • Enki and Ninhursag: When Enki falls ill due to a curse from Ninhursag, she eventually heals him, giving birth to healing deities in the process.
  • Creator of the Hoe: she plays a part in the creation of the hoe, an important agricultural tool, further emphasizing her connection to fertility and the earth
  • The Anzu Epic: she supports her son Ninurta in the Anzu epic, speaking in favor of his actions.