
Selene, the Greek goddess of the moon, has been a source of fascination for centuries. She is often depicted as a beautiful woman riding in a chariot drawn by winged horses, her light illuminating the night sky. In Greek mythology, Selene is known as the sister of Helios, the god of the sun, and the daughter of the Titans Hyperion and Theia.

In ancient Greek art and literature, Selene is often associated with the phases of the moon and the changing of seasons. She is also associated with virginity and virginity rites, as well as with the goddess of beauty and love, Aphrodite. Selene is also said to have been the mother of the goddess of the dawn, Eos.

In addition to her role in Greek mythology, she also played an important role in ancient Greek religion. The ancient Greeks believed that Selene was responsible for the light of the moon and that her light was a reflection of the sun. They also believed that Selene had the power to control the tides and to influence the growth of plants. In fact, the ancient Greeks placed great importance on the full moon, and many of their religious festivals were timed to coincide with the full moon.

Her cult was widespread in ancient Greece, with many temples and shrines dedicated to her worship. The most famous of these was the Temple of Selene on the island of Delos, which was considered one of the most important religious sites in ancient Greece.